Webinar – Monitoring 101: an overview of Smart Structural Health Monitoring

USA Sales Director
Monitoring 101: an overview of Smart Structural Health Monitoring.
Smart Structural Health Monitoring is disrupting old-fashioned structural monitoring.
Infrastructures deteriorate over time and that has an impact on the strength and performance of the structure. In order to check their performance, they must be monitored regularly.
During this free webinar we will guide you through the basics of smart SHM. You will understand how to determine the condition of a structure and how to identify variations in its response to stress or to other factors, so as to plan the most appropriate maintenance strategy.
Thanks to recent advancements in technology SHM systems can now be:
- Cost-effective;
- Wireless;
- Easy to install;
- Easy to understand thanks to data processing platforms;
- Connected to a cloud platform that gives access to your data remotely.
Amber Brown, North American Sales Director.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 – 10AM (PDT) – 1PM (EDT) – 7PM (CET)
30 minutes